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Author Topic: 759th Sandal/Urs of Hazrat Syedina Baba Hyder-wo-Safdar Auliya, Mulbagal Sharif

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Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem

Allahumma Salle 'ala Syedina Muhammadin Wa 'ala Aalihi Syedina Muhammadin wa Barik wa sallim

Today 2nd June'2012 Saturday Night is the Sandal / Urs Mubarak of Hazrat Baba Hyder-o-Safdar Auliya ( Qaddas Allahu Sirra ul Azeez ) of Mulbagal Sharif, Karnataka State, India.

Mulbagal is only famous because of this Great Auliya Hazrat Syedina Baba Hyder o Safdar Auliya ( Qaddas Allahu Sirra ul Azeez ). Mulbagal is 2.5 hours journey from Bangalore.
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« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 11:21:39 PM by khaleel »

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Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
Allahumma Salle 'Ala Syedina Muhammadin Wa 'Ala Aalihi Syedina Muhammadin Wa Barik Wa Sallim

Dargah Gallery of Hazrat Syedina Hyder wo Safdar Auliya ( Qaddas Allahu Sirra ul Azeez ), Mulbagal Sharif, Karnataka

Hazrat Syedina Hyder wo Safdar Auliya ( Qaddas Allahu Sirra ul Azeez ) is a very Great Sufi Saint of India of Great Heights in Wilayah and Prominent great Khaleefa  and mureed of Hazrat Syedina Tabl-e-Alam Badshah Nathar Auliya of Trichy Sharif

Mulgabal Sharif is about 2 hours Journey from Bangalore. You can avail buses from Kalasipallayam Bus Stand Bangalore, Hoskette, K.R Puram etc.
You can Also Do Ziyarah in Bangerpet by going in Pushull train from Bangalore and then visit Mulbagal sharif and can come to Kolar and

 in Kolar you can do ziyarats of nearby dargahs namely Hazrat Qutb Shah Baba or kolar hills dargah of Hazrat Usman Shah Valli Baba ( Rahmatullah Allaih ), Hazrat Syed Deewan Shah on main kolar road
( Kolar is the Centre Place of Ziyarah between Mulbagal and Bangerpet ) and from Kolar Bus Stand you will get lot of buses to Bangalore.
There are Direct Buses to Mulbagal Sharif from Bangalore.

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